Milli$Bestie Mastermind

Join My Milli$Bestie Passive Income Mastermind(PIM) & Let’s Secure Our Future.

Are You Ready To Secure The Bag, But Do Not Know Where To Begin?

The difference between people with money and those with limited money is how they perceive money.
If agree, keep reading? I normally ask my clients with money mindset-blocks the following: 

What was your first memory about money?
Who was there & what happened?
How old were you?

Our Value

Energetic Passive Money: My Family's Financial Legacy

There are so many layers of emotions when it comes to understanding our views around money. I knew money could be made legally because I watch my grandmother work and retire from Texas Instruments, while having a side business and a part-time job. She worked, paid her tithes and offerings, and did so much community work – helping those that didn’t have. She spent her last years on a low fixed income, but her house of paid off – that saved her. My mother was the same. She worked and retired from the Dallas Morning News, while having a side business, and a hustle. Peep game – I said hustle. I grew up in a home with entrepreneur women that knew how to MAKE LOTS OF MONEY & GIVE IT AWAY. Because of their careers, they learned a little here and there about buying real-estate and getting into whole-life policies, but it wasn’t sustainable as life continued to happen in our under-served community. We ended up having to sell property and withdraw on policies to survive. But what if they knew about Passive and Residual Income like I do now – may they RIP? They would have been very wealthy women with more time to spend with their family other than working to “make it make sense.”

My Grandmother was a big community advocate, and she believed in the heart of West Dallas, Texas where my brother and I were raised. My mother was a die hard entrepreneur – the greatest sales woman to ever live. She could sale you a used pencil – LOL! We had a strong foundation as mentioned above, which is why I am the woman I am today of wanting to educate those that are ready to make their money – MAKE SENSE. I had two examples of what money could do, and a little of knowledge of how it was recycled – I call it “Energetic Passive Money.” 

What do you desire right now for your life?

Do you REALLY feel you deserve it?

What would keep your from attaining it?

Who do you have to become to be all in until you get it.

How did your parents deal with money?

What did  they say about money?

How  did they behave around money?

Unveiling Passive & Residual Income for a Secure Future

What do you know about Passive and Residual Income and how it benefits your future? Here are some questions that stressed me out when financial advisors asked: 

Do you know how much money you need to retire?
Have you considered what tools to use to save your money now to pay for when you’re ready to stop working? 
Do you know how to generate the income you’ll need to enjoy the rest of your life without working another day?

Let’s dream. What does your retirement look like? Where are you living? How’s your health? Are you traveling? Are your finally enjoying your life? Let me be clear. I am mentioning retirement here because we were not built to work all of our lives. What age do you want to do absolutely nothing, but enjoy life? My answer is – AS SOON AS I CAN. I will not put an age on my financial freedom – It has no age. Society has brainwashed us in believing that we must work until 55+years, and this is not true.

If all of this feels overwhelming, I want to offer you an opportunity.

l Welcome to my Milli$Bestie Passive Income Mastermind (PIM) for blossoming investors – it is an investment opportunity that offers immediate passive-earnings. This opportunity is for those wanting to learn more about Passive and Residual Income that is safe, secure, and transparent. It does not matter if you are a 25 years old, or 65 years old – we all have this opportunity to grow our money.

Using my new formula (VIP3), I teach blossoming investors how to put their money to good use for them. You can make money, and you can enrich your life and those around you. The knowledge of being a hard worker was something my mother and grandmother shared with us growing up, and we grew up having high work ethics. However, they didn’t know much about investing, so they always worked, spending hardly any time doing what they loved. I am doing what my parents wanted to teach us – how to work less and make more money smartly. I think back on how their health could have been better, they got the time to take more family vacations and had less debt if they knew what I know today about Passive and Residual Income. Money allows us more time to do the things we love and are priority.

Let me put this out there, I am no financial advisor what so ever – I just care enough about my money, and helping others to do the same. Money management is a discipline and a skillset. To join the Milli$Bestie Mastermind, we do require that you invest yourself. Why? Because I am wanting to help people grow and save their money responsibly. Let’s be clear, you do not have to be a part of the Milli$Bestie Mastermind to learn for FREE! The learning is FREE all day long, and that opportunity will not change any time soon. Only if you want MORE, and are serious about Passive and Residual Income, will you be considered for the mastermind – SERIOUS PEOPLE ONLY!

Let’s do some Q/A

No you do not. You just need to create time and be ready to be a student. 

Only those that choose to invest will be able to join the mastermind that, have monthly learning opportunities, and a safe space to be a part of as your money grows weekly. We meet monthly via zoom, and host local meet-ups. You may request application to join.

$0 – Like I mentioned above, this is a quality program and it is FREE to come learn.  

No. I am Master Level Coach that has trained, consulted, and have over 2 decades of money success. Also, I have partnerships with literacy coaches, financial and credit experts that handles anything needing a license.

YES! Fill out the secure form, and jump on the call. The question is – ARE YOU REAL? I meet really weird people, so be ready to prove your identity on our secure form. I am a whole vibe – Who else is doing this? NO ONE! 

That’s a beautiful question to ask, but why not. We humans trust and adapt behavior to any and everything that we feel safe with. If you can relate, and feel sexy inside at this point with reading everything above – take this risk because everything in life is a risk. This is what separates the mega successful from those living paycheck to paycheck and seeing no hope of financial growth.

Another beautiful question! The greatest leaders are those that lead with love, compassion, honesty, kindness, humility, grace, equanimity, and integrity. They are wise by experience and study, and not just study. I am about this life, and I will show you when we get started. So, my answer is YES! 100% YES!

Sure! Fill out the secure form below and I will invite you to a zoom to learn more with my team.

Yes! Of course, but that will be left up to your discretion. My only job is to show you what’s possible, and ways to diversify your money portfolio with great opportunities.

YES! I said that this was transparent. Once I teach you, you promise to teach others – Pinky Swear! You promise not to gain success and leave others behind. It was my biggest take-away growing up in West Dallas. I am now paying it forward.

Everything in life requires an investment

Whether the investment cost you valuable time, or money – We all deserve to do something nice for ourselves.

Financial Freedom in Three Steps

Step 1

Create Passive Income Streams:

Build sources of income that generate money without requiring active work, such as investments, rental properties, or online businesses.

Step 2

Achieve Financial Independence:

With passive income, you can earn money continuously, even when you're not actively working, leading to financial independence.

Step 3

Gain Flexibility and Freedom:

Enjoy the benefits of financial freedom by having the flexibility to pursue other passions, spend time with family, or explore new opportunities.

LaKendra Smalley, a renowned Master Coach, helps individuals and organizations reconnect with their true purpose.

By Appointment

LaKendra’s unwavering passion for empowering leaders.

© 2024 LaKendra Smalley • All Rights Reserved